We all go through life changes. Some families go through life without any disputing matter while others may find themselves encountering a once in a lifetime or troublesome conflict. These conflicts can weigh down on both sides of the family further creating damaging effects. Resolving family issues with mediation is a great way to resolve a conflict.
What is family mediation? Well it is the practice of dispute resolution for families who are in conflict. This practice is a part of alternative dispute resolution, or mediation. There are many issues and forms such as divorce mediation. Family mediation may involve a range of relationships, and not just a husband and wife going through a divorce. Family members may involve:
A married couple without children
A married couple with a child or children
A single parent and their child or children
Such disagreements to consider are:
Child custody & visitation
and more
Often, you will find these disputes going through court systems. By using lawyers and the judicial system families often spend 50% or more than they would if they could settle an agreement through a mediator. Then sometimes these family courts will recommend family mediation as either a part of or the final resolution process. One thing to keep in Bespoke Mediation Services for family members will settle the differences on their own terms. Therefore, a judge may not become the deciding factor on who pays what, how custody and visitation work or the disperse of property. A family mediator will work towards a balanced and fair resolution for both parties no matter what the disagreement is about.
Instead of being in a court room, during mediation you can find yourself in a private area of the mediator’s choice such as their office. Some family mediators make it even more comfortable to take suggestions from the disputing parties. By taking away the stress and atmosphere of a judicial setting a mediator creates a private way for families to resolve.
The family mediator focuses on a peaceful and cooperative flow of communication for the family or relationship. This can involve informal back and forth communication. The important thing is to make sure both sides may have a say in their own terms to let the mediator know what is the matter. The mediator may have both parties present at one time to discuss freely among the members while together. Some mediators may take another approach by separating the family members to have a one-on-one discussion to hear things in their perspective since sometimes one may not open up as much if they were in the same room with the other party. Ultimately, the search for win-win scenarios is the goal through honest and open discussion. Family mediation is informal, but it is still confidential as well.
Mediation will never impose the solution, but will be creative in suggesting solutions and options. The family mediator is there to help find the resolution that everyone can agree on. After the parties discuss the matters and presented with options of solutions the mediator will make sure both agrees on their resolution. Even in the future if the mediator needs to change or revisit the agreement the parties may do so, collaboratively.