Planting trees is good news for the environment and can be an effective way to curb global warming. Planting trees has many benefits like: they absorb CO2, rid the environment of excess pollutants, generate oxygen, raise the bio-diversity index, provide habitats for many different species and improve quality of life. Thousands of things are made from trees such as furniture, books, newspapers, houses, sports equipments, musical instruments, stationaries, fences, milk cartons, even cosmetics and toothpaste. Trees play a major role in helping to conserve the intensity of the Earth's magnetic field. The act of tree planting is extremely positive as a starter for individuals and communities becoming generally aware of the climate change issue.
Destruction of forests creates numerous environmental catastrophes, including altering local rainfall patterns, accelerating soil erosion, causing the flooding of rivers, and threatening millions of species of plants, animals and insects with extinction. Deforestation is contributing almost 20% to the overall greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere, more than the world's vehicles and aircrafts combined. Approximately 45% of India's land is degraded primarily due to deforestation, unsustainable agricultural practices, mining and excessive groundwater extraction. India has the 10th largest forest cover in the world at 68 million hectares. The government's National Action Plan on climate change involves expanding forest cover from the current 23% to 33% of India's territory, and to afforest 6 million hectares of degraded forest land. is a tree Planting Partner of the United Nations Environment Program's Billion Tree Campaign. We have taken up this initiative with a purpose to allow people to plant trees, those who cannot plant themselves, but want to do their bit for the environment. We plant different trees at different locations, depending on a number of factors like the type of soil at the planting location, the weather conditions throughout the year, irrigation facilities etc. Grow-trees has partnered with local planters who plant saplings on our behalf and maintain them till they are fully grown.
The Arjuna, Babul, Red Sanders and Mangroves are some of the types of trees that we plant. Trees have a number of benefits, for the environment and also for the rural people who sometimes depend on them for their food, fodder and shelter.
The Arjuna (arjun) tree is usually found growing on river banks or near dry river beds in West Bengal and south and central India, an evergreen tree with yellow flowers and conical leaves. The arjun was introduced into Ayurveda as a treatment for heart disease. It is traditionally prepared as a milk decoction. Other benefits of the bark of Arjuna include Anti-inflammatory properties, keeping cholesterol and diabetes under check, treats asthma, fractures and other injuries.
Acacia Nilotica or Babul tree, is 5m – 20m high, preferring sandy or sterile regions, with a dry climate during the greater part of the year. The wood of babul is strong, durable, hard, very shock resistant, and is used for construction, mine props, tool handles and carts. It has a high calorific value and makes excellent fuel wood and quality charcoal. The pods of babool are desirable as fodder for cattle, and the leaves, young shoots and young pods are thought to aid milk production.
Another sadzenia drzew planted by us is the Red Sanders or Lal Chandan as known in hindi. Red sanders is a light-demanding moderate sized tree growing upto 8m tall with a trunk 50-150cm diameter. The wood of red sanders has been traditionally used as a sacred wood by Hindus. This tree is found mainly in South India, Sri Lanka, and some parts of Nepal and Pakistan. Parts of the tree is used in diseases like cough, vomiting, fever, hyperdipsia, helminthiasis, diseases of the blood and eye, wounds etc. This species is listed as endangered by the (International Union for Conservation of Nature) IUCN, because of over-exploitation for its timber.
Mangroves are a family of about 70 different species of trees worldwide typically growing in the tropics and mainly in coastal areas. Mangrove provides habitats for fish, crabs, oysters, lobsters and shrimps. Mangroves plants filter out pollution, stabilize sediments, hold nutrients, protect the shoreline from erosions and provide food, nesting and nursery areas for a variety of animals. They are a source of honey, firewood and medicines.