Thousands, sometimes Millions of fans gather at Celebrity Facebook Fan pages. Despite a celebrity’s popularity all over the world, celebrity status people follow a number of tactics that attract people to their Facebook pages. The celebrities include actors, musicians and sports personalities. Following are ideas on how to increase your Facebook connections by borrowing some of the ideas from celebrities. These ideas range from the Timeline cover you use on the top of your page, to the content, which you post on your page.
The first celebrity whom we will use as our case study is Vin Diesel, whose real name is Mark Sinclair Vincent. He is famous for his leading character roles in action movies such as ‘xXx’ and ‘Fast and Furious’. The first idea that we can borrow from his Facebook page is “authenticity”. Vin Diesel comes off as an authentic character in all facets of his Facebook Fan Page, from his Timeline cover to the photos that he posts, which usually include his own photos and those of the people around him. Therefore, it is important to keep our profiles and pages original. This way, your (or your product’s) page becomes a brand by itself.
The second idea, which we can borrow from Vin Diesel’s Facebook page, is consistency in updates and fan involvement / interaction. He tells people where he is, posts photos and then asks people for their opinions. That is, he usually starts conversations with his fans. For instance, at one time, he said that he was planning his tour and the places he would visit. However, he lets his fans offer any suggestions on the best destinations.
Another celebrity whom we will borrow ideas from is Lady Gaga, who is famous for her numerous music singles, such as Poker Face, and albums. This artist gives her fans fresh content on her Facebook page. For instance, having the latest album cover as one on the Timeline covers is one idea that keeps fans interested in her page. You could also borrow this idea and post your latest photos. These would keep your friends interested in your page. Additional fresh content by Lady Gaga includes her laundry list, which she uses during her shows, and her current music, which people can listen to or download from the Facebook page. To borrow this idea you must be doing something in your life, which will interest your friends.
Finally, the one thing that these do not seem to be doing, is buying bulk fans from related websites. This is obvious from the large active numbers as a percentage of the total fan page. Buying fans may boost your total fan number but it will do nothing to increase engagement and it may actually hurt it, as your real fans get diluted and random posts start appearing on your Timeline.